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Sista Tiph
Sista Tiph

Sista Tiph

Hello, Im Tiph, everybody's sister, I am a single mother, domestic violence survivor, Autoimmune Warrior, Mental Health Advocate, Resource Queen, special needs advocate, spreading love and awareness to the U. S. how to get by, while wanting more for ourselves and our loved ones! I live with disabilities that I have turned into different abilities . I believe in the truth of all religioms, I believe that we should all be good people and love one another, for who we are as humans, not based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or age. I firmly believe believe that everything we put out into the universe comes back to us. I want my legacy to one day reflect in my children. Many Blessings!

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My Crystal Infused moon water business is taking off.

So far so good!

Sista Tiph

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